BIZNOVATOR Transform Workshop

The BIZNOVATOR TRANSFORM is a 1 or 2 Day experience that is specifically designed to help your child TRANSFORMtheir thinking while engaging with their peer group through experiential learning. In the TRANSFORM WORKSHOP students are focused on applying learnings from the BIZNOVATOR DISCOVER WORKSHOP towards an action plan that will be shared with their peer group, parents and teachers. At the BIZNOVATOR TRANSFORM WORKSHOP students will be taught how to; identify career opportunities, tap into today’s everchanging marketplace, and immediately take action for their future success. During this leadership WORKSHOP, students will learn 3 core principles for life success:

  • Effective Leadership – Today’s effective leaders apply mindfulness to their everyday lives. They are good communicators who are confident, visionary, passionate, and lead with purpose. Through leadership training, activities and engagement, our students further TRANSFORM their thinking from self-centric to a collaborative driven leadership approach. These are essential skillsets in today’s global economy.
  • Financial Literacy Workshops for Students – When we look at today’s rising costs of higher education, now more than ever, our youth need to be financially savvy and take control of their financial futures. Financial knowledge and independence are foundational building blocks to their future success. For this reason. BIZNOVATOR believes there are several core components of financial literacy that every student should master. They include; creating a personal budget, being a wise consumer, managing and leveraging credit, opportunity costs vs. time preference, and saving and investing for the future. There is a direct link between a successful entrepreneur and their knowledge of money.
  • Social Innovation – Today’s youth must be mindful of the importance of being socially responsible. For this purpose BIZNOVATOR TRANSFORM WORKSHOP teaches young people to think beyond themselves and understand the positive impact they can have in the broader communities they serve. We teach our students to be about service before self. In fact, research shows that one of the best ways for a young person to grow is to empower themselves while empowering others. This reinforces the importance of social responsibility and enables the realization that we are all connected.
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